Mike Larson Wedding-Photography Workshop im Mai 2013 in Italien
Mike Larson Wedding-Photography Workshop vom 13. bis 15. Mai 2013 in Italien
Hallo an alle Mike Larson Fans oder Hochzeitsfotografen,
wer bei FotoTV. bereits Filme zum Thema Hochzeitsfotografie oder Paarfotografie gesehen hat, dem ist der Name des sympathischen Amerikaners Mike Larson bekannt.
Hier ein paar Filme mit ihm bei FotoTV. :
Auch in diesem Jahr bietet er über drei Tage im Mai einen intensiven Workshop zum Thema Hochzeitsfotografie in Italien an - dies ist nun der 5. Workshop der in Italien mit ihm stattfindet.
Für einen Preis von 1.095,00 € erhaltet Ihr außer dem Intensiv-Hochzeits-Workshop mit maximal 14 Teilnehmern eine Unterkunft und Verpflegung. Ihr erhaltet viele Fotografie-Tipps und Ratschläge wie Ihr Euer Fotografie-Business weiterentwickeln, wachsen und profitabel gestalen könnt.
Weitere Infos auf www.mikelarson.com, bei Fragen einfach Mail schreiben an workshops@mikelarson.com.
Im Folgenden gibt es auf Englisch noch einige weitere Details über Mike Larsons Workshop:
Date: May 13th-May 15th
Time: 10 am-8:00pm
Cost: €1095 for a single and €1695 for a married couple/business partners.
Lodging: 3 nights included, from Sunday night to Tuesday night(wednesday checkout) at Villa Catignano. Rooms will be 1st come, 1st served. Check-out is Wednesday morning at 10 am. If you are interested in staying additonal nights, pleaase email me and I can help you set that up under our reservation.
Small Class Size: up to 14 seats.
Workshop Benefits: You will learn how to: 1) Escape from any creative plateau and gain an inspiring perspective on how to define your style with the images, and separate yourself from other photographers. 2) Have clarity on the steps you need to take to define your style. 3) Have confidence to nail your shots in the camera, so your entire post-production is a piece of cake. 4) How to emphasize the artist experience over the final product to escape the price shopping client.
This class is for: Beginner to advanced wedding & portrait photographers who want to define their style or energize their style with new inspiration.
Prerequisites: A minimum of a decision or desire to have a profitable photography business. That's it!
Stuff to bring: Camera w/ telephoto and portrait lens(s). Good shoes to get around town, a laptop or a fat notebook and a pen, iPad or whatever you like for taking notes.
Meals: We will take a small lunch break (food provided), and then the evening is open. We'll make pasta for dinner and cook together as a group (optional)!
*Ticket sales are non-refundable & non-transferable.
PRE WORKSHOP: May 12th, 2011, 8:00-9pm: Group hangout, get to know each other at the Villa!
Tuscan Vineyard {Style}shop Day 1: Classroom + The Casual Portrait (engagement shoot): Getting inspired in new ways, defining your style during a shoot, casting vision for the direction of your business, creating an excellent client experience, shooting right the 1st time, and using a stylist and being the last resort styist.
Date: May 13th
Time: 11:00am-Sunset
Italy {Style}shop Day 2 : The business of specializing (branding, selling, positioning & profit) + foundation of running a business. + a mock wedding shoot!
Date: May 14th
Time: 10:30am-Sunset
Benefits: You will learn how to: 1) Have the clarity to simplify to have your business give you freedom to only do what your the best at, and be profitable at it. 2) How to uniquely position yourself & your strengths to gain the clientele and reputation of your specialization that you need to grow your photographer business. 3) How to live the dream of being one of the lucky few to support themselves with photography as their income. 4) You will learn how to run a business so that your finanaces are in order, we'll cover
NEW BONUS SEGMENT! A walk through a real wedding, I'll go through one of my complete weddings and share the why, how and what of all the details.
Why and where to shoot: This is all about developing your style as a photographer. I'll share how we use our stylist as a teammate to get our clients choosing exciting things that brand them as a couple. How to get clients to not go to the cliche places like a beach or the standard "park". Once we go over the plan for the shoot, we'll head out and hit up some locations in the surrounding vineyards, villages and a church from the 1400s and execute the shoot. We'll open up the shoot so that everyone gets a chance to shoot, as well! You are welcome to build your portfolio. We'll cover basic Lightroom workflow geared for simplicity, and the style of your images/your brand.
Italy {Style}shop Day 3 : Growing your busiess by referrals, porfolio & personal review sessions
Date: May 15th
Time: 10:30am-3pm
Private Review Session: Everyone will get a 15 minute coaching session to get feedback and ask anything.
Benefits: 1) You will learn how to run a business so that your finanaces are in order, I'll share how I increase my network so that you do the same. Growing a business requires having others sell for you, and we'll walk through how to do this step by step. 2) Private or team based coaching sessions, we'll schedule these so that you can grow and get a game plan after you hear everything for 3 days!
Workshop Overview: (and more details taught)
This workshop will cover these topics: I'll cover the state of the industry right now. Why to specialize, alternatives to specializing (i.e. being a generalist. If you hurt your knee, you'd go to a knee specialist over a general doctor, right? You'd also expect him to charge you a premium. You are either a specialist or a generalist, you'll find out exactly what you are and what you can do to either change it, or play the game at a higher level (more peace, clarity, profit & purpose). We'll review some case study examples to make this crystal clear. Setting the right goals, and creating strategies and tactics to achieve them. This makes saying "no" easy and not stressful. Whatever tasks or opportunities you say yes to, will clearly move you closer to your goal and farther away from uncertainty and fear.
We'll also talk about being a performance artist vs. a product artist. Finally we will cover socratic selling, how to sell your specialization. Even if you don't have a niche, I'll show you how you can leverage yourself in your business more so than your images. We'll discuss how you can lead the sales consultations by getting them to share what they are passionate about within the first minute of the chat. That way you can decipher if they are a good fit for you. We will wrap up with Character Marketing, and how to use your personality to grow who you are as a businessperson.
*Ticket sales are non-refundable & non-transferable
*In the event of event cancellation due to extreme circumstances, you will receive a full refund of your workshop cost.
Best Car Rental location: economycarrentals.com (this is where I book my rental from)
A few photographers from the workshop who have now positioned themselves very strong in Europe! Im proud of these guys!
I want to highlight a few of you here who have done excellently with positioning yourselves and doing well in your business!
Natalie Carstens - "The birth photographer" http://www.nataliecarstens.com/ as far as i know your the only one in Europe that specializes in birth photography!
Craig & Chanelle are a sweet couple from the UK who are doing an amazing job of 5 star luxury weddings only! http://www.segeriusbruceblog.com/
Patricia Van Der Sloot - Fine art newborn photographer http://www.patriciavandersloot.com - she does only newborn work.
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